December 2015





  • What a Pension Means to Me

    Today’s post comes to us from Grant Wood, the coordinator of the Arizona Retirement Security Coalition. It was originally published in the Arizona Capitol Times: At 23 years old, only 18 months out of college, and with a hefty pile…

  • NPPC’s Naughty and Nice List

    ‘Tis the holiday season. While most folks now have visions of sugar plums dancing through their heads, we at the National Public Pension Coalition are still focused on protecting a secure retirement for teachers, firefighters, nurses, and other public employees.…

  • 2015: the Year in Pensions
    The pension crisis is a myth

    NPPC’s Executive Director Bailey Childers takes a look back at the year in pensions on the Huffington Post. We wanted to be sure you saw it too: For years firefighters, nurses, teachers, social workers, roads crews and others across the…

  • Pensions Are Still Better Than 401(k)’s

    If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, then you know that defined benefit pensions are superior to defined contribution 401(k)’s. Defined benefit plans pool risk collectively, optimize investment decisions, and are professionally managed with low fees. Pensions also…

  • The Number of Americans without Retirement Savings

    We all know America is facing a retirement crisis. We’ve talked about it on this blog and Americans express their worries in opinion polls. Experts tell us that Americans are not saving enough for retirement. Now it’s time to take…

  • Spotlight on: Guam

    [rwd imageid=’785′ small=’0′ medium=’600′ large=’1000′ src=’’] When you think about public pensions, do you think about Guam? If the answer is no… well, I’m assuming everyone’s answer was no, so you’re not alone. The U.S. Territory of Guam does have…

  • Pensions as Economic Stimulus

    Earlier this week, I wrote about the economic efficiency of pensions in providing retirement income to individual workers. Defined benefit pensions have many advantages that make them more cost efficient than 401(k)s. Beyond the advantages for the individual saving for…

  • The Economic Efficiency of Pensions

    Late last year, the National Institute on Retirement Security re-released a report on the economic efficiency of defined benefit pensions. This updated report, titled “Still a Better Bang for the Buck”, finds that pensions remain a more efficient and reliable…

  • African-Americans and Retirement Security

    Due in large part to low levels of wealth, black households are much less likely than their white counterparts to have substantial retirement savings. And while black wealth has fallen in recent years, access to well-funded defined benefit pension plans…

  • Retiring Without Social Security
    Social Security

    Most Americans count on Social Security as a significant piece of their retirement plan. For some, it will be a nice supplement to their pension or their personal savings; for others, it will be their entire retirement benefit. The nation…

  • Selling Out the Future by Cutting Pensions
    California Rule

    Pensions are a promise. In fact, pensions are a form of deferred compensation. Public sector employees- such as teachers, firefighters, and nurses- accept lower salaries during their working years in exchange for monthly contributions from their employer toward their pension.…