June 2016





  • How Are Pension Benefits Calculated?
    public pension plans

    Defined benefit pensions are the most secure and reliable way to provide retirement security for working families. The key feature of pensions is that they pay a guaranteed monthly benefit for life. This provides retirees with unparalleled retirement security and…

  • State Pension Update 2016: Louisiana end of session

    Last week, the Louisiana legislature concluded its second special session of the year. Sandwiched in between those special sessions was its brief regular session. Despite the ongoing budget challenges there, this was a successful year in the fight to protect…

  • This Week in Pensions: June 24, 2016

    Welcome to the latest edition of This Week in Pensions! Each week we gather the best stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure…

  • State Spending and the Funding of Pensions

    If you are a long time reader of Defined Benefit, then you know that pensions remain the best way for working families to save for retirement. Pensions are more cost-effective than defined contribution 401(k)-style plans and provide more income in…

  • Make Retirement Security a Priority

    Last week NPPC’s Executive Director, Bailey Childers, submitted testimony to the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee encouraging them to include retirement security as part of the 2016 platform. So far this year, the presidential candidates have said little about retirement…

  • Real Pensions, Real People

    Teachers. Firefighters. Police officers. Behind every pension is a public servant who has dedicated their career to keeping our communities safe and prosperous. Popular rhetoric around public pensions often distracts from the true issue at hand; these aren’t numbers, these…

  • Pensions Keep People Out of Poverty

    A couple weeks ago, the New York Times ran an excellent article on women and retirement. The article discusses the unique challenges facing women in preparing for retirement. It also highlights that women who work in fields where defined benefit…

  • This Week in Pensions: June 10th, 2016

    Welcome to the latest edition of This Week in Pensions! Each week we recap the top stories about pensions and retirement security. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure retirement. Here are this…

  • Puerto Rico and Pensions: the Basics

    Puerto Rico and its debt crisis remain in the news as Congress considers legislation to help the island territory restructure and manage its debt. Puerto Rico’s pensioners remain trapped in this crisis as well. Just last week, a new audit…

  • This Week in Pensions: June 3, 2016

    Welcome to the latest edition of This Week in Pensions! As we do each week, we have gathered the best stories about pensions and retirement security from the week’s news. This is the news you need to know in the…

  • Student Loan Debt and Retirement: Part 2

    Back in March, we wrote about how high levels of student loan debt are decreasing retirement security for many Americans. A report from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College had found that current levels of student loan debt…