NPPC Team Shares 2019 Highlights and 2020 Goals

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As 2019 comes to an end, we at the National Public Pension Coalition (NPPC) wanted to take time to reflect on two things: what we were grateful for this year, and what goals we want to achieve in the fight for retirement security next year. 

Below some of our staff shares their thoughts about 2019 and what they’re looking forward to in 2020. 

Bridget Early, Executive Director: 

In 2019, I’m grateful for the workers across the country who shared their stories with us. To see people who may not be regular activists advocate for themselves is truly powerful.

In 2020, I am looking forward to a more engaged conversation around retirement. Too often budgets are decided in silos and it is on us to educate policymakers that investing in pensions doesn’t just benefit annuitants but their local communities and economies as well.

Andrew Collier, Regional Campaign Manager: 

I’m grateful for the opportunity to educate the general public and lawmakers about the economic benefits of pensions through our Pensions on Main Street campaign. Throughout 2019, our coalitions were able to bring the issue of pension economics to the forefront, telling the story of how retired public employee pension benefits fuel local economies across the country. 

Each and every year, retired public employees in states across the country are having trouble keeping up. With the rising cost of health care, groceries, and housing, many retired public employees have not seen a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in over a decade. Several states are looking to provide those COLAs for their retirees and I’m excited to be a part of the process.

Margaret Rogers, Digital Media Specialist: 

In 2019, I was grateful to be able to travel and meet workers across America and listen to their stories. Public employees spend their careers serving their communities and I consider it a privilege to be able to use my skills to advocate for their retirement security.

In 2020, I’m looking forward to effecting change in state legislatures across the country. While our federal government may be completely gridlocked, there is a lot that can be achieved on the state level.

Tristan Fitzpatrick, Digital Media Specialist: 

Being new to the NPPC team, I’m grateful to recap all the top pension related news of the week with This Week in Pensions. It’s a great chance to share with retired public employees about what is happening in the pension world and why it matters.

In 2020, I’m particularly excited about meeting more members from our state coalitions and helping them develop graphics, blogs, and other materials to protect pensions in their communities. 

We hope you have a great holiday season & that you’ll join us in the fight for retirement security in 2020.