Public Employee Stories: March 3, 2022

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Public employees across the nation give back to their communities in extraordinary ways every single day. From donating to food banks to helping neighbors and protecting their communities, public employees have always been there when their community needs them the most. 

Here is a story of a public employee in service to their community.

Wichita woman thanks health care workers by teaming up with local businesses to deliver pizza, cookies by Stephanie Nutt. As the Omicron variant steadily rose throughout Kansas, former Wichita teacher Karla Stenzel jumped to action to feed healthcare workers in her area. Starting with an ask for assistance through her Facebook page, Stenzel ended up raising $3,000. So far, she’s been able to feed healthcare workers who work in the COVID unit at Wesley Healthcare, and this week she provided food to respiratory therapists and workers in the COVID unit at St. Francis. Not only is she using the money donated to feed healthcare workers, but she has partnered with breweries and bakeries to supply food. “As a former teacher, I know people care sometimes, they just don’t know what to do or how to do it and I think if we give them an avenue or something to be a part of, then it all happens,” Stenzel said. “So, yeah, it was a great thing. Teachers are next by the way, we’re gonna give tools next.”

Be sure to check back the week after next for more stories of public employees giving back to their communities!