




  • This Week in Pensions: June 5, 2020

    Welcome to this week’s edition of This Week in Pensions! We have gathered stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure retirement. Before you…

  • Oklahoma’s Retired Public Employees Achieve Their First COLA in 12 Years

    Last Thursday, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitts signed House Bill 3350 into law, which grants most of Oklahoma’s retired public employees their first cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in 12 years. The bill was unanimously passed by the state House and by an…

  • This Week in Pensions: May 22, 2020

    Welcome to this week’s edition of This Week in Pensions! We have gathered stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure retirement. Before we…

  • This Week in Pensions: May 15, 2020

    Welcome to this week’s edition of This Week in Pensions! We have gathered stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure retirement. Before we…

  • This Week in Pensions: May 1, 2020

    Welcome to May’s first edition of This Week in Pensions! We have gathered stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure retirement. Before we…

  • This Week in Pensions: March 13, 2020

    Welcome to today’s edition of This Week in Pensions! We have gathered the best stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure retirement. Here…

  • Share Your Story: Eddie

    Throughout the winter, NPPC will be sharing the stories of retired and current public employees, told in their own words. [youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShWBcgenjN0&feature=youtu.be”]

  • This Week in Pensions: February 14, 2020

    Welcome to this Valentine’s Day edition of This Week in Pensions! We have gathered the best stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure…

  • This Week in Pensions: January 31, 2020

    Welcome to this month’s last edition of  This Week in Pensions! We have gathered the best stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the fight for a secure…

  • Inside the Fight for COLAs in 2020

    A new study from the University of Massachusetts’s Gerontology Institute evaluated the gap that exists for retirees who live between poverty and having just enough income to cover their necessary expenses.  Retirees in several states face an uphill battle when…

  • Why a COLA Matters in Oklahoma

    On November 15, 2019, the Oklahoma House of Representatives held an interim study committee meeting on why retirees need a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). Rep. Avery Frix, the sponsor of the study, previously led a push to grant public employees a…

  • This Week in Pensions: May 3, 2019

    Welcome to the latest edition of This Week in Pensions! As we do most weeks, we have gathered the best stories about pensions and retirement security from the previous week. This is the news you need to know in the…